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  • Land ownership is achieved with a Claim Totem.
  • Funding ownership of a claim is done with supplies.
  • Decay Rate, or the rate which supply is consumed, varies based on the size of a claim. Tier upgrades have no affect on decay rate.
    • Size . 0 - 100 is 0.4 supply per hex per 60 minutes.
    • Size 101 - ??? is 0.5 supply per hex per 60 minutes.
  • The claim will be made public when the supply runs out and it will be marked with a white outline. Pubic claims give full usage rights to anyone. Furthermore, other players can loot containers and deconstruct structures.
  • The work station tier cannot exceed the claim's tier. For instance, it is not possible to construct a tier 3 station on a tier 1 claim.
  • Deconstructing a Claim Totem will only refund a portion of the sticks used to build it. Codexs used to unlock tiers will not be returned. And all supply within the claim will also be destroyed.