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Use a Flint Pickaxe or above to farm these, a T1 Pickaxe


Process from Ore chunk to useable ingot:

  • 1. Put Pyrelite Ore Chunk (Cargo) into a a T1 Masonry Table to create Crushed Pyrelite Ore
  • 2. Take Crushed Pyrelite Ore into T1 Grinder to create Pyrelite Ore Concentrate
  • 3. Take Pyrelite Ore Concentrate into T1 Smelter (with 1x T2 Charcoal) to create Molten Pyrelite
  • 4. Take Molten Pyrelite to T1 Smithing Station to create Pyrelite Ingot

Can be used at a Masonry Station to create Crushed Pyrelite Ore

Can be used at a Tier 1 Grinder to create Pyrelite Ore Concentrate

Can be used at a Smithing Station to create Pyrelite Ingots

Spawn Area

Calm Forest, Coniferous Forest, Autumn Forest, Swamp, Plains