View table: ItemDesc

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. name - String
  3. description - String
  4. volume - Integer
  5. durability - Boolean
  6. image_file - String
  7. tier - Integer
  8. tag - String
  9. rarity - String
  10. compendium_entry - Boolean

This table has 2,003 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id name description volume durability image file tier tag rarity compendium entry
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 1 Hex Coin A coin minted from a small amount hexite 0 HexCoin -1 Coins Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 2 Decayed Ancient Tool A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 PrimitiveConstructionTool -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 5 Damaged Ancient Gear A badly damaged ancient component. Heimlich would be interested in this if you could find a way to repair it. 600 AncientGear -1 Ancient Ingredients Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 6 Damaged Ancient Wires A badly damaged ancient component. Heimlich would be interested in this if you could find a way to repair it. 600 AncientWire -1 Ancient Ingredients Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 7 Damaged Ancient Spring A badly damaged ancient component. Heimlich would be interested in this if you could find a way to repair it. 600 AncientSpring -1 Ancient Ingredients Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 9 Damaged Ancient Mechanism A badly damaged ancient component. Heimlich would be interested in this if you could find a way to repair it. 600 AncientMechanism -1 Ancient Ingredients Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 10 Damaged Ancient Resistor A badly damaged ancient component. Heimlich would be interested in this if you could find a way to repair it. 600 AncientResistor -1 Ancient Ingredients Legendary Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 11 Damaged Ancient Connector A badly damaged ancient component. Heimlich would be interested in this if you could find a way to repair it. 600 AncientConnector -1 Ancient Ingredients Mythic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 33 T3 Ancient Components A badly damaged ancient component. Heimlich would be interested in this if you could find a way to repair it. 600 AncientGear -1 Ancient Ingredients Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 34 Ancient Components An ancient component that could be repaired and sold to Heimlich. 600 AncientGear -1 Ancient Ingredients Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 35 Mask Fragment An ancient component that could be used to make cosmetic masks at the twins. 120 MaskFragment -1 Ancient Ingredients Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 36 Ancient Nails An ancient component that could be used to make construction materials to sell to Heimlich. 120 AncientNail -1 Ancient Ingredients Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 40 Black Cobblestone Road Recipe A recipe that teaches you to pave a new kind of road to decorate your town. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Recipe Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 41 Red Cobblestone Road Recipe A recipe that teaches you to pave a new kind of road to decorate your town. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Recipe Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 42 Blue Cobblestone Road Recipe A recipe that teaches you to pave a new kind of road to decorate your town. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Recipe Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 43 Teal Cobblestone Road Recipe A recipe that teaches you to pave a new kind of road to decorate your town. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Recipe Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 44 Dark Plank Road Recipe A recipe that teaches you to pave a new kind of road to decorate your town. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Recipe Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 45 Red Plank Road Recipe A recipe that teaches you to pave a new kind of road to decorate your town. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Recipe Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 46 Purple Plank Road Recipe A recipe that teaches you to pave a new kind of road to decorate your town. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Recipe Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 47 Blue Plank Road Recipe A recipe that teaches you to pave a new kind of road to decorate your town. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Recipe Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 99 Deed: Dev Weird... you shouldn't have this. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 100 Deed: Blank Weird... you shouldn't have this. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 101 Deed: Hairstyle - High Ponytail A hairstyle with bangs and a high ponytail 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 102 Deed: Hairstyle - Trailer Handband A hairstyle from the trailer 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Legendary Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 103 Deed: Hairstyle - Full Mohawk A hairstyle with a tall mohawk and shaped stripes on the sides. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 104 Deed: Hairstyle - Side Undercut A longer hairstyle swept with one side shaved 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 105 Deed: Mask - Pointed Ear Mask A mask with pointed ear-like extrusions 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 106 Deed: Mask - Feline Mask A mask with designed to give a cat-like appearance 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 107 Deed: Mask - Stub Horn Mask A mask with two rounded horns on the top of your head 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 108 Deed: Mask - Four Points Mask A mask with four extruding spikes 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 109 Deed: Mask - Demon Horn Mask A mask with curling horns 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 110 Deed: Mask - Uneven Horn Mask A mask with curling horns pieced with gold rings 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 111 Deed: Mask - Unihorn Mask A mask with with a single spike in the middle of your forehead 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 112 Deed: Mask - Drooping Ear Mask A mask with drooping ear-like extrusions 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 113 Deed: Mask - Bug Mask A armored mask giving the appearance of a bug 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 114 Deed: Mask Pattern - Arch Blue A mask with a pattern of a simple arch 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 115 Deed: Mask Pattern - Arch Yellow A mask with a pattern of a simple arch 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 116 Deed: Mask Pattern - Runic Blue A mask with a pattern covered in runic lines 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 117 Deed: Mask Pattern - Runic Yellow A mask with a pattern covered in runic lines 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 118 Deed: Mask Pattern - Flower Crown Blue A mask with a pattern of a flower 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 119 Deed: Mask Pattern - Sun Blue A mask with a pattern of a glowing rising sun 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 120 Deed: Mask Pattern - Arrows Blue A mask with a pattern of a glowing arrow 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 121 Deed: Mask Pattern - Waves Blue A mask with a pattern of glowing waves 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 122 Deed: Mask Pattern - Waves Pink A mask with a pattern of glowing waves 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 123 Deed: Hair Color - Hexite Glowing strands of hexite infused hair 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Mythic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 124 Deed: Hair Color - White Snow white hair 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 125 Deed: Hair Color - Charcoal Dark, almost black hair 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 126 Deed: Hair Color - Brown Dark brown hair 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 127 Deed: Rideable Deer A deer that can be riden for faster traversal. 6,000 DeerMale -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 128 Deed: Cart A cart that can transport cargo. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 Cart 1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 129 Deed: Large Cart A cart that can transport cargo. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 LargeCart 1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 130 Deed: Raft A small raft that could transport another player and a small amount of cargo. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 Raft 1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 131 Deed: Skiff A quick boat that could transport cargo and aswell as a few passengers. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 Skiff 1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 132 Deed: Fisher's Boat A large boat that can carry several passengers as well as a large amount of cargo. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 FishersBoat 1 Deed Mythic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 133 Deed: Cheater's Boat A boat you shouldn't have 6,000 Skiff -1 Deed Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 134 Deed: Improved Skiff A quick boat that could transport cargo and aswell as a few passengers. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 Skiff 1 Deed Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 135 Deed: Advanced Skiff A quick boat that could transport cargo and aswell as a few passengers. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 Skiff 1 Deed Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 136 Deed: Expert's Skiff A quick boat that could transport cargo and aswell as a few passengers. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 Skiff 1 Deed Epic Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 137 Deed: Masterful Skiff A quick boat that could transport cargo and aswell as a few passengers. Purchased from Brico. 6,000 Skiff 1 Deed Legendary Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 502 Ancient Adventurer's Letter #1 A piece of parchment with some writing on it. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Letter Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 503 Ancient Adventurer's Letter #2 A piece of parchment with some writing on it. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Letter Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 504 Ancient Trapsmith's Journal Page #1 A piece of parchment with some writing on it. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Letter Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 505 Ancient Trapsmith's Journal Page #2 A piece of parchment with some writing on it. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Letter Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 506 Baffled Adventurer's Note A piece of parchment with some writing on it. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Letter Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 507 Apprehensive Adventurer's Note A piece of parchment with some writing on it. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Letter Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 508 Helpful Adventurer's Note A piece of parchment with some writing on it. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Letter Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 509 Ancient Adventurer's Note A piece of parchment with some writing on it. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Letter Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 601 Ancient Cloth Cloth from the ancient civilization. The twins would be very interested in this. 1 GlowingPristineLinen -1 Currency Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 602 Ancient Research Research from the ancient civilization. A scholar would be very interested in this. 1 AncientLorePage -1 Ancient Research Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 603 Mark of Heimlich A token of Heimlich's appreciation. Heimlich would accept these in exchange for repairing Power Sources for you. 0 MarkOfHeimlich -1 Currency Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 604 Mark of Brico A currency earned through selling various construction or ancient materials to Brico. Can be used to buy various goods from Brico. 0 MarkOfBrico -1 Currency Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 605 Mark of the Twins A currency earned through selling cloth or ancient goods to the twins. Can be used to buy various cosmetic goods from the Twins. 0 MarkOfTheTwins -1 Currency Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 700 Decayed Ancient Axe A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintAxe -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 701 Decayed Ancient Saw A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintSaw -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 702 Decayed Ancient Chisel A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintChisel -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 703 Decayed Ancient Pickaxe A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintPickaxe -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 704 Decayed Ancient Hammer A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintHammer -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 705 Decayed Ancient Knife A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintRoundknife -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 706 Decayed Ancient Bow A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintBow -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 707 Decayed Ancient Scissors A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintScissors -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 708 Decayed Ancient Hoe A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintHoe -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 709 Decayed Ancient Rod A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintRod -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 710 Decayed Ancient Pot A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintPot -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 711 Decayed Ancient Machete A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintMachete -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 712 Decayed Ancient Quill A tool from the times of the ancient civilization. A scholar could reverse engineer this to make schematics for more powerful tools. 6,000 T1_FlintQuill -1 Research Ingredient Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 3,000 Ancient Journal Page #1 Read to learn knowledge... 6,000 AncientLorePage -1 Journal Page Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 3,001 Ancient Journal Page #2 Read to learn knowledge... 6,000 AncientLorePage -1 Journal Page Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 3,002 Ancient Journal Page #3 Read to learn knowledge... 6,000 AncientLorePage -1 Journal Page Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 3,003 Ancient Journal Page #4 Read to learn knowledge... 6,000 AncientLorePage -1 Journal Page Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 3,004 Ancient Journal Page #5 Read to learn knowledge... 6,000 AncientLorePage -1 Journal Page Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 3,005 Ancient Journal Page #6 Read to learn knowledge... 6,000 AncientLorePage -1 Journal Page Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,000 Cooling Energy A vessel that contains a faint, blue energy. It's cold to the touch. Could be used to craft a cooling capacitor at a smithing station. 300 CoolingEnergy -1 Ancient Component Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,001 Warming Energy A vessel that contains a faint, orange energy. It's warm to the touch. Could be used to craft a heated capacitor at a smithing station. 300 WarmingEnergy -1 Ancient Component Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,002 Ripped Notes A fragment of some instructions that seem to detail the creation of a component for a power source to protect from the heat. Maybe a scholar could decipher this? 600 RippedNote -1 Schematic Fragments Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,003 Shredded Notes A fragment of some instructions that seem to detail the creation of a component for a power source to protect from the cold. Maybe a scholar could decipher this? 600 ShreddedNote -1 Schematic Fragments Uncommon Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,004 Energy or Notes Notes or energy involved in making capacitors to protect from the cold or heat. 6,000 AncientDeed -1 Ancient Components Common Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,100 Cooling Capacitor A capacitor made from ancient energy and components. Could probably be used to make a powerful module at Heimlich's bench. 6,000 CoolingCapacitor -1 Ancient Component Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,101 Heated Capacitor A capacitor made from ancient energy and components. Could probably be used to make a powerful module at Heimlich's bench. 6,000 HeatedCapacitor -1 Ancient Component Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,102 Schematic: Cooling Capacitor Instructions for how to create a component for a power source to protect from the heat. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Schematic Rare Yes
Template:ItemDesc/Data (edit) 4,103 Schematic: Heated Capacitor Instructions for how to create a component for a power source to protect from the cold. 6,000 SchematicGeneric -1 Schematic Rare Yes
