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Varu Laru Concept Art Travelers.png


Laru is a firm believer in the importance of “growing together.” She is fascinated by the joining and changing of things, whether changing out masks for a new look or bringing people together in community. Laru’s love for her work is matched only by her skill at it: if you need any modification done, she is the one to call—as long as you don’t mind the constant banter (and frequent bickering) between Laru and her twin sister, Varu the Barber. Many have wondered why these two choose to remain in each other’s company, but do not voice this question to either twin—especially Laru. With unfailing loyalty and a fiery temper, she does not take kindly to any criticism of her sister. They are determined to stick together, no matter how heated the argument gets—and, after all, isn’t that what family is all about?

