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Varu Laru Concept Art Travelers.png


Varu lives for barbering. She seems to revel in every aspect of it: intricate styling, a simple utilitarian haircut, and—most especially—the conversation that accompanies the process. You can always count on Varu for the latest gossip, but just remember not to tell her anything you don’t want repeated to her next customer! Still, no one could accuse Varuna of malice. It’s not her fault that her creator was known as the hub of the small town’s news—and, after all, what’s wrong with a little friendly chat? Varu is usually seen in the company of her twin sister, Laru. Legend suggests that Varu and Laru were created by twin sisters—the former by the town barber, and the latter by the town welder. As was true of their creators, Varu and Laru are rarely apart; being together without arguing is even more rare, but they seem content in each other’s contentious company.


  1. N 1907, E 873
  2. N 1878, E 893
  3. N 1878, E 926
  4. N 1937, E 956
  5. TDB

